General Vendor Sponsor Information
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Level Sponsorships are filled very soon after registration opens (sometimes within hours of opening). If you are interested in receiving information about sponsoring NWAAPM Chapter Meetings, please contact Rex Ayers to be added to our vendor list. The number of vendor sponsorship slots varies from meeting to meeting.
There are four tiers of vendor support for our NW AAPM chapter meetings.
Copper Level Sponsor ‐‐ $300
o NO DISPLAY table, but one common copper table to place handouts and business cards no larger than 8" X 11" for each copper sponsor
o Registration for two vendor representatives
o Attendance at the Thursday night speakers’ dinner
Bronze Level Sponsor ‐‐ $800
o 6 foot long table
o Registration for two vendor representatives
o Attendance at the Thursday night speakers’ dinner
Silver Level Sponsor ‐‐ $1,600 (2 silver level sponsorships available)
o 6 foot long table
o Registration for four vendor representatives
o Recognition in the meeting program for sponsoring a presentation session
o Attendance at the Thursday night speakers’ dinner
Gold Level Sponsor ‐‐ $2,600 (2 gold level sponsorships available)
o 6 foot long table
o Registration for four vendor representatives
o Opportunity to give a short talk prior to a coffee break. This is NOT a product commercial, but rather a look at future technologies. Talk may be given by a vendor rep or a physicist in the community
o Recognition in the meeting program for sponsoring a presentation session
o Attendance at the Thursday night speakers’ dinner
Chapter members can pay using their credit card. Vendor Sponsors may pay via credit card or by sending a check payable to NWAAPM to the NWAAPM Chapter Secretary-Treasurer:
Attn: Stephanie Wang
St. Joseph Cancer Center
3301 Squalicum Parkway
Bellingham, WA 98225